Google Ads & SEO

Google Ads Marketing & SEO

Finding your customers that have always been out there

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Marketing is not a cost,

it's an investment.

Google Ads Marketing Manager

Pay-Per-Click Google Ad campaigns push your company growth, and only charge you when it succeeds. PPC campaigns bypass organic traffic by placing your business at the top of Google's SERP (Search Engine Results Page).

According to HubSpot, an industry leader in digital marketing, digital search on engines like Google has by far the highest ROI of any other advertising platform. Making the point the average ROAS (Return On Ad Spend) is anywhere from 400%-1100%!

How do we get you a piece of that return? More than simply paying for ads. An effective campaign gets you the most ROI when it hits your target market between the eyes. This takes:

  • Professional keyword and market research
  • Ongoing analytics and optimization
  • Enticing ad copy with calls to action catered to the phrasing of your customers search
  • A landing page with a great experience to match your ad
  • Technical and On-Page SEO to increase your Google Quality Score, netting you a lower cost-per-click and fewer bounces.

What is PPC Marketing?

In recent years Google has changed how they crawl websites and use keywords. We use modern, powerful tools to research keywords that are most commonly searched by your target market.

While short-tail keywords are the easiest to think of that your customers might type in a search engine, such as "electrical contractor", these have an immense amount of competition (or Keyword Difficulty) and not much purchasing intent.

For your marketing budget to get the most performance and ROI, we find the long-tail keywords that match your specific audience best and have the highest purchasing intent possible, such as "power outlet repair near san jose". All of this according to your customers needs, your services, service area, and many other factors.

This list is then used to write the best copy for your Google Ad campaigns, as well as adjust landing page copy to match ads and improve your Quality Score assigned by Google.

Keywords and Market Research

Google Ads Marketing Manager

  • Member Discount - BishopDevs Members get $50 off their Google Ads Management for life!

  • Monthly Reports and Check-Ins - We provide all our clients a monthly report on their performance statistics, ad spend, and any other relevant information to show you how your campaign is helping your business. With this we'll also call to touch base with how your business is doing, and improve things where as needed.

  • Market Research - What are your potential customers searching for? How do they phrase their searches? What are your competitors doing? How can we insert your brand and services into your customers buyers-journey?

  • Keywords Handled - Keywords are the foundation of your marketing. All our market research is compiled and organized in a way to make your Google Ads as effective as possible toward your target market.
  • Expert Setup included for FREE - Setting up a Google Ads Search campaign properly takes anywhere from 2-4 weeks. When we become your manager, this full setup is included for free!

  • No Contracts - Adjust your ad spend at anytime. Cancel, pause, or resume your ads and management anytime you want.

  • Ongoing Analytics & Optimizations- Your target market is almost never where you expect it to be. We work with your campaign as long as it's running to optimize what's succeeding, and what's not. Where low-performing markets should be cut or reduced, and where your target market should be added to, or built-on.

  • Website Adjustments for Members - Help your campaign perform it's best and lower your CPC. Members of BishopDevs who host their website with us receive free optimizations to their website to improve their ad campaign.

Overview of Google Ads

Phase 01

Days 1-30

This phase includes performing market research, creating and writing ad copy for the Google Ads campaign and ad groups, and the initial heavy optimizations in the first weeks of running the campaign.

Initial market feedback and optimizations will also trigger some recommendations for minor copy changes in the websites landing page. These minor copy updates are included and will be run by the site owner before plugging in.

Phase 02

Days 31-90

We now move into our continued weekly optimizations based on market feedback, analytics, and conversion tracking.

These weeks are crucial to ensure the campaign starts on the right foot and continue to require heavy optimizations based on analytics and market feedback.

Phase 03

Day 91 onward

Every Google Ads campaign requires ongoing tweaks and monitoring.

Market trends adjusts, your business grows, busy and slow seasons come and go, you run temporary promotions, your target market shifts, or your services and business goals adjust.

All of these require ongoing management, tracking, monitoring, and fine-tuning to net you the most leads at the lowest CPC.

Search Engine Optimization

Technical SEO includes anything to improve your websites performance and the quality of life for your visitors. To prove we take this seriously for our clients, the top 10% of websites on the internet score a technical SEO health score of 92%. scores 95%, and our latest client scored 96%.

Google uses hundreds of measurements to rank each websites technical SEO and site health, however the three most important are called ‘Core Web Vitals’.

  • LCP: Largest Contentful Paint. This measures loading  performance. LCP measures in seconds how long it takes for the largest image or text block within the visible viewport to finish loading. To provide a good user experience, LCP should occur within 2.5 seconds of when the page first starts loading. 

  • FID: First Input Delay. This measures interactivity. FID measures in milliseconds the time it takes from when the page begins loading, until the soonest moment the page can handle a user interacting with it, such as tapping on a buttons. To provide a good user experience, each page should have a FID of 100 ms or less.

  • CLS: Cumulative Layout Shift. This measures visual stability. This takes measurements throughout the life of a webpage within windows of time called sessions. During these sessions, the more unexpected layout shifts that occur, and the more they shift, the higher the score. To provide a good user experience, pages should maintain a CLS of 0.1 or less.

Technical SEO

It’s no secret that Google is the leader in online search and business discovery. How do they compile all this information and provide the best search results on page one?

Crawling websites, measuring their quality, and importantly, understanding the sites content so it can be showed when it's most relevant to the searcher. How do we cater to this? Among others aspects like alt-tags, internal linking, and content length and quality, these are the top three.

  • URL: A sites URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is what you type in your browsers address bar to access the website you want ( This needs to be customized per-page to be clean, short, and relevant to the pages content.

  • Title Tags: Title tags describe its pages content in under 60 characters, should be naturally written, and include the most important couple keywords that page should be optimized for based on keyword research previously done.

  • Header Tags: HTML header tags (<H1>, <H2>, <H3>, etc) further segment and describe to Google what content to expect around these tags and what the key takeaways of the content are. When these are used effectively, they give your visitors a better and easier to understand experience, rank you higher in Google algorithms, and significantly improve PPC advertising performance.

On-Page SEO

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